lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Plumed Serpent

In Aztec mythology, Quetzalcoatl, or the Plumed Serpent, and his people, the Toltec, brought civilization to Mexico. The story in this collection tells of how Plumed Serpent established peace in his kingdom through his own bening rule and through the simplicity, prayerfulness, and dedication to ceremony of his own daily life. Smoking Mirror, the god respresenting war, disorder, and bloodshed, is determined to establish his own rule in Tula, the majestic capital. He accomplishes thsi by showing Plumed Serpent his own image in a mirror. Aghast at how he has aged, Plumed Serpent begins to mourn his lost youth and forget his responsibilities to his people. To completely undermine Plumled Serpent, Smoking Mirror tempts him into a night of drunken reverly.

In the morning, saddened at what he has done, Plumed Serpent has his place set afire and leaves his kingdom forever, so that it becomes the domain of the bloodthirsty Smoking Mirror.

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