martes, 7 de junio de 2016

Prometheus and Pandora

In this Greek myth, the god Prometheus enrages Zeus by bringing the gift of fire to human beings. With this gift, humans are able to make tremendous changes that improve their lives, which is exactly what Zeus did not want to happen. To punish Prometheus, Zeus tries to tempt him into marrying Pandora, a human woman created for this purpose and sent to earth carrying a mysterious lidded jar. The ware Prometheus gets his brother Epimetheus to marry Pandora instead. Epimetheus removes the lid from the jar, and a hoard of miseries escape to plague Earth forever. Still yearning for revenge, Zeus then has Prmetheus chained to a mountaintop and sends an eagle to pluck at his body and eyer forever, or until prometheus repents and swears allegiance to Zeus. Proud and stubborn, Prometheus endures his agony for thousands of years. Finally. Zeus relents and sends Hercules to break the chains and free the captive.

1 comentario:

  1. lid: (noun) a cover on a container, that can be lifted up or removed (/lɪd/)
    Can you get the lid off this jar?
